News, Keynote, Main Topics and Contacts
16/01/2010 - FMN 2010: The 3rd International Workshop on FUTURE MULTIMEDIA NETWORKING (FMN´10) will be held in Krakow - Poland and with your support will be a great success. For more information please visit:
14/05/2009: The FMN 2009 Programme is available. Please click here for more information!
15/04/2009: We are very please to announce our Keynote Speakers
- June 22: Prof. Nicolas D. Georganas, "Would Collaborative Virtual Environments, Tele-Haptics and Ambient Intelligence Applications Significantly Impact Network Traffic?". Please click here for more information!
- June 23: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ralf Steinmetz, "Future Multimedia Communication over the Internet: Issues, Challenges and Opportunities of Peer-to-Peer Mechanisms". Please click here for more information!
15/04/2009: Important for authors: Camera Ready Paper, Registration & Payment - New Deadline: 21th April (FIRM!).
02/04/2009: Camera Ready Paper Instructions
02/04/2009: Registration Instructions & Hotel Information
17/02/2009: FMN 2009 is soliciting proposals for live demonstrations and posters - “Demonstrations on Future Multimedia and Autonomic Content Networking” - Click here for more information!
30/01/2009: We are happy to announce that FMN 2009 is also sponsored by IET and the British Computer Society.
14/01/2009: Best papers of the workshop will be considered for publication in a Special Issue of the Springer's International Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications (MTAP)
FMN´09 is an official
FP6 CONTENT NoE Workshop @
10/12/2008: FMN’08 was a great success with a very high quality programme and an acceptance rate of 25%. Please click here to visit the FMN´08 website.
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We are happy to announce the keynote speaker Prof. Ralf Steinmetz from Technical University of Darmstadt in Germany. Prof. Ralf Steinmetz is the 2008 winner of the prestigious ACM Special Interest Group on Multimedia Award for Outstanding Technical Contributions to Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications. He receives this award "for pioneering work in multimedia communications and the fundamentals of multimedia synchronization". |
"Towards Autonomic Content Networks"
In recent years real-time multimedia services have been contributing extensively to our life experience and are expected to be among the most important applications in the future Internet. The management of content distribution services is an important key to attract and keep customers, while increasing profits to content providers. The efficient delivery and deployment of real-time multimedia services over emerging diverse and heterogeneous wired and wireless systems is a challenging research objective. The interoperability of applications, transport and network protocols, as well as, the demand for improved Quality of Service (QoS) and Quality of Experience (QoE), and seamless mobility control creates a challenging study field and also possibilities for research of novel communication protocols, architectures and methods towards Future Multimedia Networking Systems. One major challenge in this context is the ever growing complexity of communication management and network maintenance in this context. Thus, solutions are required in which services, management and administration entities interact and behave autonomously with the overall goal of creating Autonomic Content Networks.
The objective of the Future Multimedia Networking (FMN´09) workshop is to discuss state-of-the-art research and developing activities contributing to aspects of multimedia systems, content networking, and autonomous communication. We are inviting both theoretical and experimental papers as well as work-in-progress research. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
· Autonomous management in next generation content networks
· Content delivery networks and autonomic content networks
· Audio-visual systems
· Novel protocols for multimedia services supporting autonomous network operations
· Grid networking for multimedia services
· Multimedia in personal, sensor and ad-hoc networks
· Multimedia in peer-to-peer networks and autonomic network infrastructures
· Quality of service management in content networks and emerging autonomous content networks
· Quality of experience management in content networks and emerging autonomous content networks
· Management of service oriented architectures
· Seamless mobility of multimedia services in emerging autonomous content networks
· Novel multimedia architectures/platforms
· Multicast and broadcast multimedia service management
· IP multimedia system operations and management
· Resource reservation for multimedia services
· Multimedia in mobile and broadband wireless access networks, and emerging autonomous content networks
· Context-aware content distribution
A parallel poster/demonstration session entitled “Demonstrations on Future Multimedia and Autonomic Content Networking” will be organized along with the main workshop. This event encourages researchers to present and discuss “work-in-progress” or “experience-in-practice” of their current implementations and research prototypes that cover the topics of FMN’09. Authors are invited to submit a short paper of up to 6 pages following the format of workshop. All accepted short papers will be included in the proceedings of FMN’09. The papers should specifically focus on implementation and practical aspects such as:
· Experiments/lessons from recent deployments
· Performance evaluation of multimedia services
· Network measurement/monitoring for multimedia services
Marília Curado, University of Coimbra, Portugal @ marilia (at) dei (.) uc (.) pt
Eduardo Cerqueira, University of Coimbra, Portugal @ ecoelho (at) dei (.) uc (.) pt
Andreas Mauthe, Lancaster University, UK @ a.mauthe (at) lancaster (.) ac (.) uk
Sherali Zeadally, University of the District of Columbia, USA @ szeadally (at) udc (.) edu
Mikolaj Leszczuk, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland
Michael Zink, University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA
Jo Yew THAM, Institute for Infocomm Research, A*STAR, Singapore